American lessons



Group meetings - Friday 7:30 a.m. (Az time)

Group lessons are an important way to create a link with someone different from you, but that now is working with you in the same direction. It's interesting to observe how much we are similar in certain mind processes. 


It's a soft work. Usually it lasts one hour. I'd like people to take part in sharing, but you can share also your silence, it's alright.

There is always a part of the meeting in which we speak, sometimes I read something to reflect on or I make some comment on the present moment, and we start from there. Then there is a 20 minute work with silence. We close our eyes and stay still as much as possible.


1) One hour meeting randomly, whenever you want.

Cost: $ 10.00 each person



2) One hour meeting, every week.

Cost: $ 28.00 for 4 weeks / $ 35.00 for 5 weeks (depending on the month) each person



3) Intense 4 hours meditation meetings.

Cost: $ 40.00. It's scheduled across the year every time there are at least two persons that want to intensificate the weekly work.

Individual meetings

I usually do a first meeting (for free and lasting one hour) in which I present my self, I make questions about the reasons you want to meditate and I try to know you a bit more to understand what direction we have to take.


There is not a same pattern for everyone. All this work starts from being in "hearing", in "observation". And everyone has different realities living inside themselves, so, observing the present moment we can learn how to interact with it. 


After this first meeting I can propose you to choose 3 opportunities to work with.



1) 10 one hour meetings, once a week for 10 weeks. 

Cost: $ 450.00



2) 10 1/2 hour meetings, twice a week for 5 weeks. This is a particular programm. Must be explained. It's good to get a bit of discipline.

Cost: $ 300.00


- Payment